January 20th - part one of our series - RECORDING AVAILABLE
We discussed female reproductive health and the importance of cleansing from the indigenous perspective.
We unfortunately live in a time where we aren't educated to take a preventative approach towards our health. And with this, we are forced into a cycle of becoming ill and then trying to heal ourselves or become dependent on western medicine.
This workshop provided an in-depth understanding of cleansing the female reproductive system AND provided access to rare indigenous herbal remedies to jump start or take you further on your healing journey.
February 10th - part 2 of our series -RECORDING AVAILABLE
We discussed relationships and marriage from a traditional perspective and how to bridge indigenous knowledge with our modern exposures. Kemetic/Dogon culture has preserved customs, taboos and secrets that historically allowed for harmony within individuals, relationships, community and the world at large.
March 16th - part 3 of our series - RECORDING AVAILABLE
We will discuss the indigenous wisdom surrounding pregnancy and postpartum care. We will offer some demonstrations on healing methodology coming from the Dogon and Tem people in West Africa.