Traditional Health Consultations
What are Ankhkasta Health Consultations?
The training to become a healer is very challenging and very technical. A healer, according to indigenous African tradition, is responsible for the health of his or her community and therefore must be properly trained to exhibit a superior level of knowledge about the body, the spirit, and quality of life.
In indigenous societies, it is understood that the human being doesn’t begin or end with the physical body. All of the healing techniques, advice and herbal recipes are based on that multi-dimensional understanding of nature.
Holistic Health Consultation are non-invasive, but do require in-person contact with the healer. Healers will assess the bodily systems using traditional techniques, which includes physical touch. They may offer lifestyle advice and education about traditional perspectives on health, as well as herbs and teas which would be used to restore balance in a traditional African setting. It is ultimately important for you to understand that it is you who have the ability to heal yourself through a change in your behavior.
Ankhkasta Natural Healing’s Health Consultations are educational and informative about your health from a traditional African perspective. They are not to be misconstrued as diagnosis, medical treatment, or medical advice and they are not meant to replace the advice or treatment of your current medical practitioners.

Naba Iritah Shenmira
Dogon Priest & Healer
Executive Director of Ankhkasta Natural Healing
Head of Dosso Initiates in Western Countries Outside of Meritah (Africa)
Certified Sounnt Healing Class Teacher
NABA Iritah Shenmira is a priest and healer of the Dogon bloodline from the Gulmu region of Africa. He is the Executive Director of Ankhkasta Natural Healing. NABA Iritah was born and raised among the Tem people in Togo. As a young boy in traditional culture, he entered various initiations and apprenticeships with priests and healers, enduring the rites of passage of becoming a man. Upon Prophet Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig’s (the founder of The Earth Center) return to Burkina Faso from the United States in 2006 to open the traditional initiation in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Naba Iritah seized the opportunity to follow and study under him in order to advance his spiritual growth and enlightenment, not only as a son but as a disciple.
As his son, Naba Iritah dedicated his life to claiming the initiatic heritage and knowledge of his bloodline in order to carry on the missions of his ancestors. A devout disciple of his father Master Naba, Naba Iritah learned M’TAM science and the knowledge of Kemetic mystery schools. He became the leader of the first initiates at the Earth Center in Africa. After the transition of his Master to the World of the Dead, Naba Iritah assumed full responsibility of The Earth Center Ouagadougou and of the duties of his bloodline in order to sustain the mission of his late father.
Nehez Meniooh
Ankhkasta Healer
Dosso Hunter Initiate
Certified Sounnt Healing Class Teacher
Nehez Meniooh was born in Seattle, Washington. He entered the Earth Center's M'TAM initiation in 2004. Prior to his entry into the M'TAM school, he studied what he could of Traditional African Medicine, attempting to navigate through the new age superstitions and unfounded African Health teachers. Nehez was a part of the last generation who studied exclusively under Master Naba in the U.S. He was one of only two initiates of an initial eleven in his generation who made it through the rigorous training. Nehez studied very closely with Master Naba, and under the guidance of his elder generation. He apprenticed with Master Naba in the healing more than any other initiate in the school, sitting in on countless health consultations, listening to the wisdom of Master Naba and gaining valuable experiential knowledge.
When Master Naba left the US in 2007 he asked Nehez to move into the Chicago branch of The Earth Center (U.S. headquarters) and oversee the herbs and the Center. Nehez continues his studies with elder Ankhkasta healers on the annual pilgrimages to West Africa. He is the primary healer for The Earth Center ’s in the U.S., a priest in training, and serves as the M’TAM branch manager of The Earth Center worldwide. He currently resides in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso in West Africa continuing his studies with various healers.
$155 Traditional Health Consultation
Please note that you must be present in person for a health consultation; this is not a remote service. Consultations take place in Chicago, IL, Houston, TX, or San Diego, CA. It is not guaranteed that a healer will be present in these locations at all times, so it is recommended that you call our customer service line 737-201-1213 or email to confirm availability and timing before booking.