Tour Schedule
May 18th Thuresday 5-8pm: Third Eye Soul Kitchen 3047 MLK Jr Way Oakland, CA
May 26-28: The Nest, Hollywood Hills CA Workshop. Ticket information below.
May 29-31: Private Readings at the Nest Hollywood. Information below.
June 3-4: Nederland, Colorado Retreat
June 8-11: Aniwa Gathering, Big Bear CA
Dogon Cleansing & Philosophy
Spiritual Protection Workshop
Dream Like a Dogon Workshop
Make Your Own Dogon Immunity Elixir
Mind, Body & Spiritual Cleaning
Spiritual Baths
Dogon Meditation
+ More Lectures & Experiences

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Dogon Cleansing Workshop At The Nest- Fundraising Tour
Join us for a special week-long workshop with Dogon High Preist Naba Iritah Shenmira discussing history, philosophy, astrology, mind body and spiritual cleansing as well as ancestral knowledge which has been used since the time of the Pharaohs to pierce the mystery of the invisible.
We're honored to share this rare experience with our community. Each event in this series gives detailed insight into the complex Dogon ancient healing system. You will have the opportunity to learn about the history and cosmology of the Dogon, participate in traditional cleansing and healing rituals and take a deep-dive into the ways in which the Dogon communicate with the invisible world.
This week of workshops opens with an invitation to join the Dogon for a special dinner on January 19th. Friday we will dive into the history and colonization of the Dogon and the cosmology of their culture. Saturday will be centered around understanding the Dogon purification process on the mind, body and spiritual levels. On Sunday, we will learn the Dogon's ancient spiritual technology for dialoguing with the invisible and creating altars. Monday and Tuesday, Naba will be offering private MTAM Science Earth Energy Readings to those who wish to receive deeper guidance, connect to their ancestors and be given tools to cleanse and heal through the spiritual practices of the Dogon.
Ticket sale proceeds will be going directly to the Dogon tribes in West Africa, temple caretakers, and preservers of traditional healing and herbal remedies.

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