About our Herbs

Our Products are Unique.

Each of our traditional herbal teas, remedies, and blends are sourced from rare plants and trees in West Africa, specially formulated by master healers to target common symptoms and conditions we experience in modern societies. All the herbs are sourced for their rare healing properties, without the side effects or synthetic additives found in modern medicine.

Providing a fair exchange with Nature is an integral part of our business model. As a part of the harvesting process our healers use age-old indigenous techniques in which a fair exchange occurs between the consumer and the environment. This includes providing gratitude offerings to the plant at the moment the plant is harvested, allowing the healer to extract the healing essences of the plant. This is not a superstition but a very technical process used by indigenous people worldwide. It is based on a practical understanding of nature and the environment. This exchange ensures that the plant receives the necessary nutrients to continue to grow. 


Ankhkasta is dedicated to preserving the environment and local ecosystems. Plant products are grown in indigenous agricultural traditions of Africa, without the use of chemical pesticides. Many of the herbs are rare and harvested deep in the bush of Sub Saharan regions of Western Africa. Those healers and priests who harvest and prepare the herbs are highly skilled and respected professionals in the regions, coming from a long lineage of healers. They are equipped with the profound capabilities to work with the human body, Nature and the unseen to bring about the most favorable solutions that align with the ancient methods and assist all those in need regardless of the ailments one faces. The harvesting techniques of these plants includes “hekaoos,” which simply means “words of power,” to activate the healing properties of these plants. 

Our goal is to help you to heal yourself. 

It is recommended when taking our products that our customers adopt a “Healer's Mentality.” When first receiving the herbs, it is important to set your intentions for healing and clear your mind and space before removing and preparing the herbs or the teas you are about to use. These plants have a natural intelligence that works with the body and seeing the plants and herbs as a part of you helps to activate the healing properties of these plants.